Technical Articles

Plastic keyboard repair

A common phenomenon in pianos East German origin, is the peeling off of the white surface of the keys. This phenomenon is due to a material failure of the glue with which it was previously attached at the manufacturing plant. The piano manufacturers whose pianos have this particular problem are: Jimmermann, Ronich, Geyer, Hypfeld etc.

It is observed that some technicians stick the surface with instant glue at the customer's place, with minimal repair costs. This particular action is not advisable and often irreversible for the piano. It is impossible with an instant glue, with a single contact, in fractions of a second to stick exactly. In most cases, there will be some micromillimeter difference, which will be noticeable to annoying in the hands of the pianist.

The technical solution we provide is relatively simple, as long as it is done in the right way. First the keys are extracted from the piano and come to our workshop. The surface of the wood is thoroughly cleaned from the remains of the glue that was there. The same is done for the plastic surface.
The keys are glued with a special glue intended for this use and inserted into a special clamping system. The key is then smoothed on the edges and cleaned. The plastic part of the button shines with special ointments, which heal any scratches on its surface, making it like new.