
Tuning a piano is adjusting the mechanical parts of the machine and its keys. It is a task that is very detailed for the correct operation of the mechanical part of the instrument.

That the piano goes out of tune is due to the friction and normal wear and tear of the felt parts of the piano engine.

It should be done (depending on use) approximately every five years. The correct adjustment prevents damage to the felts from use, but also ensures the best possible repetition of the key, maximizing the correct feeling of the key in the pianist's hand while playing.

Regulating, is a very special and detailed job, as well as deviation tenths of a thousand it is considered too large and can affect the whole behavior of the instrument during its playing. That is why usually a bad adjustment, by a bad and uninformed technician, can do enormous damage to the piano and exponentially increase the time of the new and correct adjustment.

Each piano has its own regulation according to the instructions given by the manufacturer. In the case of older pianos, where the factories have closed down and this data is not available from the manufacturers, we have a huge database of most factory settings. Even if there is no such thing, then our experience will ensure a perfect regulation.