Piano rebuilds

Germany 1929 ZIMMERMANN piano rebuild

The piano before

When we undertook to rebuild this particular piano ZIMMERMANN of 1929, we found that it had seriously technical and structurally problems, due to its previous storage in temperature and humidity conditions unsuitable for a piano. Specifically, his speaker was almost rotten and it was full of cracks. THE bass bridge and the upper treble bridge it was full of cracks and the replacement of the upper part was imperative. The mechanism it was moth-eaten and with huge damages from years of use but also the string keys and the strings they needed a change. Its glaze, it was a cosmetic change that was necessary to make it look like new.

Its repair process

THE reconstruction of the piano lasted approx 6 months. We started with her its complete disassembly, the filing of mechanical parts and export of strings, string keys and his metal frame.

Piano speaker repair

The speaker it had completely lost its curvature (downbearing) and the drying process was needed and her recurvature, a technique that requires absolute expertise and in Greece we believe that only we apply it. Next, he had to repair several and significant damages that his speaker had suffered, such as detachments from the wooden frame in which it is based, cracks pre-existing and/or resulting from drying.

Bridge repair

Repairing the piano bridge, is one very delicate and difficult process, because it requires re-weighing the speaker with the frame, absolute precision in its repair and re-construction, but specialized materials. On this particular bridge, it was used solid beech wood which we import from Germany and the company Jahn, supplier of almost all leading German piano manufacturers, such as Steingraeber & Sohne, FEURICH etc.

General Piano Mechanism Repair

The repair of the mechanism, referred to change of hammers, of silencers, him inspection and installation of axles, the replacement of stave stem plates, replacement of shock absorber springs, brace replacement, brakes and against brakes but also replacement of silencer contact felt with the scapamendas. Literally the mechanism became like new.

Repair of a bank of keys (keyboard)

Repairing the keyboard presented particular difficulties because there were pre-existing plastic shells on the keys and their removal was extremely difficult. But the detail of our work gave a real factory result.

The piano afterwards

The only thing that is certain is that the piano is now like New and has nothing to do with its original state. The confidence we have in the work we provide gives us the confidence to give 15 years guarantee of good functioning of the piano.